“Measure what is measurable, and make measurable what is not so.”    Galileo, 1610.

Welcome to ecodb, the science data sharing platform that facilitates the sharing and monetization of science data assets. Our platform provides standards-based data storage, sophisticated data transformation, sharing and search functions, with the option of publishing your selected data sets and potentially receiving an equitable monthly share of platform revenue based on your data sets popularity.

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Please contact us if you wish to apply for a complimentary ecodb license.

We support both individual and collaborative, team based environmental projects. Support extends to citizen science, emissions monitoring and management across multiple plant sites; as well as large corporate and government information systems. We are standards oriented and allow for quality assurance codes. Our support for environmental data sets in the public domain fosters open government, and the ease of publishing and sharing data sets among individuals and organizations generates a public good.

We have established license types and value propositions for diverse user communities, however we recognize that all programs are unique, and we also welcome being able to respond to your request for a personalized proposal.

Access to the published data sets on the ecodb platform are free to access and download. Licenses to utilize the storage and publication features of ecodb are by license and are generally free to approved users. Please contact us if you wish to apply for a free ecodb license, else purchase a low-cost license directly.